How Is Low Testosterone Related to Sleep Deprivation, According to Leading Testosterone Clinics in the Country?

Sleep deprivation, even for a brief period, can have a devastating impact on the testosterone levels of men.

According to recent research, a week of sleep deprivation can cause testosterone levels to plummet by around 15% in a group of healthy young men.

The same study also indicated that low testosterone levels can harm the health of men in a variety of ways, which include libido. 

For instance, if a man is suffering from extremely low levels of testosterone, it is usually related to not just decreased libido, but as well as low energy, fatigue, and impaired concentration or inability to focus. 

Testosterone is also essential for strength development and muscle mass and has a crucial role to play in healthy bones and their proper density. Upon reaching the age of 40 years old and above, the male human body’s production of testosterone will start to drop gradually by at least 1% to 2% every year. After that, the changes in the body and appearance will slowly manifest themselves. To others, the changes are more drastic and life-altering. This is the reason why they seek assistance and advice from leading TRT Australian doctors. 

sleep deprivation

What is the Relationship Between Sleep and Low Testosterone? 

It does seem that normal production of testosterone can happen only under the umbrella of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the kind and quality of sleep that is most restful and undisturbed. 

Sleep deprivation can also set the stage for the stress hormone cortisone to spike over time. An excessive concentration of cortisone in the male human system can also set the stage for testosterone levels to nosedive. This is based upon the experience and observations of a TRT clinic. 

The majority of the testosterone hormone is used by the body during the day and is replenished at night. In older men, it was found out that a gradual decrease in the number of sleep hours will actually lay the groundwork for a significant reduction of T-levels. Men with this condition (low-T) have been found to have more difficulty getting a good night’s sleep, hence their low-T levels.  

Sleep Impacts Your Testosterone Level

Researchers compared testosterone levels in a group of ten healthy young men following a week of having them enjoy their normal sleep routines and a week of sleep deprivation in the study. The study’s findings were published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, or JAMA.

The participants in the said research were allowed to initially enjoy their sleep for a full 8 hours per night in their homes for the first week. Then, after that, they were made to spend 3 nights sleeping for 10 straight hours and 8 nights sleeping for 5 hours only in a facility or sleep laboratory.

The findings showed that testosterone levels are significantly reduced by around 10% – 15% after a week of deprived sleep hours as opposed to their rested states. This downward trend in testosterone levels was also found to be connected with the dwindling of the vigour of the participants.

Researchers also discovered that approximately 15% of adult workers in the global population today sleep less than 5 hours a night, indicating that prolonged sleep deprivation is more likely to have a detrimental effect on men’s overall wellbeing and testosterone levels. 

If you suspect that you may be a good candidate for low testosterone and that this condition is already affecting the quality of your life in an unfavourable way, we encourage you to reach out to a reputable testosterone clinic near you for a consultation. 


TRT in Australia has gone a long way, as far as providing testosterone replacement therapy is concerned. If you’re having trouble getting a good night’s sleep, that’s another reason you should see a doctor right away.

How Low Testosterone Affects Men’s Fertility According to TRT Brisbane Doctors?

If you have been into reading materials about hypogonadism, you’d know by now that low testosterone can make you lose interest in having sex and it may even cause you to have a hard time obtaining erections. 

Unfortunately, that is not all, because if you happen to have low testosterone, it may also impact your fertility. 

According to TRT Brisbane doctors, research shows that low testosterone or hypogonadism in men can induce infertility. But it can act as a telltale sign for testicular problems as well. Testosterone replacement therapy is one treatment option for men suffering from low testosterone. However, testosterone use can have a detrimental effect on fertility.

Here’s why:

Male fertility is controlled by a region of the brain (the hypothalamus) together with the pituitary gland, which is situated just below it. The human brain is known to produce a substance known as a gonadotropin-releasing hormone. Medical professionals identify this hormone simply as GnRH. This particular hormone commands the pituitary gland to produce two critical fertility hormones: the FSH or follicle-stimulating hormone and LH or the luteinizing hormone. 

health & wellness

FSH encourages the production of sperm cells while LH directs the testes to generate testosterone, which is necessary for the production of sperm.

When you take testosterone, your brain believes it has fulfilled its task and thus suppresses GnRH production. Because it is not getting the message, your pituitary gland stalls its production of normal amounts of the two sperm-producing hormones, FSH and LH. 

As a result, the amount of sperm produced by your body is significantly reduced.    The lower the sperm count you have, the lesser chances you have of becoming a father. 

Men who are experiencing infertility due to low testosterone levels should consult a urologist or an endocrinologistDNA who specializes in male reproduction. Following diagnosis, you and your doctor can determine the best course of action for your low testosterone depending on your desired outcomes, which may include sexual or reproductive function.

According to TRT Brisbane doctors, each treatment for the low-T condition is uniquely different and thus must be tailored to your specific goals. If you are facing difficulties conceiving, your doctor may recommend injections of gonadotropin to help stimulate the testicles to create more sperm and testosterone. 

If medical tests indicate that you have a low-T condition, the following practices may help improve your fertility.

  • See to it that you maintain that your private parts always have a cool temperature. Anything that creates an excessive amount of heat in the genital area for a long period can lower sperm counts.
  • Reduce your weight.   If you are overweight, it runs the risk of altering your body’s hormone levels and that can have a detrimental effect on sperm production. Obese men may have decreased testosterone amount in their system because their abdominal fat converts testosterone to estrogen.
  • Avoid smoking. One independent study shows that Saudi Arabian men who visited infertility clinics are found to have lower reproductive hormone levels as opposed to nonsmokers.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation. With regard to a scientific report made by an independent body, excessive alcohol intake can decrease the testosterone levels of a man. It impacts the production and secretion of 2 important hormones, the LH and the FSH hormones. 
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise not only aids in weight loss and stress reduction, but it can also aid in testosterone development. The most effective regimen consists of aerobic activity and weight training consistently.

If you suspect that you or someone you know is showing signs of low testosterone and might have affected the quality of their life, get tested for low T. A reputable TRT Brisbane clinic can assist you in understanding your condition and see the treatment options appropriate to your lifestyle and preference. 

What Food Items Can Help Boost Testosterone Naturally, According to Many Testosterone Clinics?

Low or reduced testosterone level is the bane of aging in men. However, there is hope in raising them to safe levels by eating certain foods such as fatty fish, ginger, and a few select vegetables.  

Testosterone is considered by the medical and scientific communities as the male sex hormone. It has an important role to play in a man’s body, particularly in aspects of sexual function, muscle mass, bone health, and fertility.  

The natural tendency of an aging man’s body is to produce fewer amounts of testosterone by 1 to 2% every year. However, certain factors can trigger this condition. It has been found out that there are certain lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and a host of other factors that can affect the production of this important hormone of the male human body.  


Several medical treatments can help enhance T-levels, and this is true most especially in the case of younger me. But even when you are in the early years of senility, changing your lifestyle and diet can significantly encourage the body to produce more testosterone.  

Onions and Garlic Add Zing to Your Meals

When it comes to encouraging the male body to increase its production levels of testosterone, two of your allies can be found in the kitchen – the onions and garlic. These 2 well-loved spices will not just add zing to your daily meals, but they will also help your system make more sperm with improved qualities. 

Both onion and garlic can induce the male human body to produce more hormones that are associated with the production of testosterone. 

Have Your Fish

Mackerel, salmon, tuna, and other fatty kinds of fish have a high concentration of vitamin D. Dubbed as nature’s natural testosterone booster, it has a central role to play in the production of testosterone.  

Mind Your Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is a unique mineral in the sense that it keeps proteins at a safe distance and prevents it from binding with testosterone. The result of which leads to higher amounts of this usable man-stuff in the bloodstream. 

Therefore, consider eating more of the food items that are packed with magnesium such as spinach, peanuts, cashews, and almonds. 

Oysters on Your Plate

There are good reasons why people are into the belief that these mollusks as great food in addressing fertility issues in men. Proving only that they are not just good aphrodisiacs, as many people believe, but can be a good ally to increasing your T-levels. 

If you are not aware yet, oysters are found to have 5 times the amount of recommended daily dose of zinc. This mineral helps the male human body in its production of testosterone. So next time that you are served with beef and beans on your plate, make sure to have a good fill of your meal because it is good for your T-levels and boosts your immunity, too.  

physical strength

A Bowl of Pomegranate

Instead of the usual orange juice, make it a habit to drink and start your day with a glass of pomegranate. This ancient seedy fruit juice can significantly help in lowering stress hormones like cortisol. If there is a minimal amount of stress hormones in the male human body, it will work to his advantage because it will cause his testosterone production to go up. Besides, it can also bring down blood pressure, inducing you to feel a better mood for the rest of your day.  

Lastly, Build Your Physical Strength

When exercising, see to it that you center your workout routines on your muscles the most. You can enlist the help and assistance of a professional trainer for this purpose. He is most qualified to give you a hand on how to properly use exercise machines in a gym. 

Cardio exercises sure have a sundry of benefits to your body, but they won’t do any good as far as promoting your testosterone production is concerned. However, strength training exercise will. Thus, you need to focus on such programs.  

It is important not to overdo things here. Pushing your body to the limit and pushing yourself too much in exercising runs the risk of taking your testosterone levels in another direction instead.  

If you are suspecting that you are a running candidate for a testosterone replacement therapy program, we suggest that you reach out to a reputable testosterone clinic near you for testing and possible treatment options.