What Food Items Can Help Boost Testosterone Naturally, According to Many Testosterone Clinics?

Low or reduced testosterone level is the bane of aging in men. However, there is hope in raising them to safe levels by eating certain foods such as fatty fish, ginger, and a few select vegetables.  

Testosterone is considered by the medical and scientific communities as the male sex hormone. It has an important role to play in a man’s body, particularly in aspects of sexual function, muscle mass, bone health, and fertility.  

The natural tendency of an aging man’s body is to produce fewer amounts of testosterone by 1 to 2% every year. However, certain factors can trigger this condition. It has been found out that there are certain lifestyle choices, medical conditions, and a host of other factors that can affect the production of this important hormone of the male human body.  


Several medical treatments can help enhance T-levels, and this is true most especially in the case of younger me. But even when you are in the early years of senility, changing your lifestyle and diet can significantly encourage the body to produce more testosterone.  

Onions and Garlic Add Zing to Your Meals

When it comes to encouraging the male body to increase its production levels of testosterone, two of your allies can be found in the kitchen – the onions and garlic. These 2 well-loved spices will not just add zing to your daily meals, but they will also help your system make more sperm with improved qualities. 

Both onion and garlic can induce the male human body to produce more hormones that are associated with the production of testosterone. 

Have Your Fish

Mackerel, salmon, tuna, and other fatty kinds of fish have a high concentration of vitamin D. Dubbed as nature’s natural testosterone booster, it has a central role to play in the production of testosterone.  

Mind Your Magnesium Intake

Magnesium is a unique mineral in the sense that it keeps proteins at a safe distance and prevents it from binding with testosterone. The result of which leads to higher amounts of this usable man-stuff in the bloodstream. 

Therefore, consider eating more of the food items that are packed with magnesium such as spinach, peanuts, cashews, and almonds. 

Oysters on Your Plate

There are good reasons why people are into the belief that these mollusks as great food in addressing fertility issues in men. Proving only that they are not just good aphrodisiacs, as many people believe, but can be a good ally to increasing your T-levels. 

If you are not aware yet, oysters are found to have 5 times the amount of recommended daily dose of zinc. This mineral helps the male human body in its production of testosterone. So next time that you are served with beef and beans on your plate, make sure to have a good fill of your meal because it is good for your T-levels and boosts your immunity, too.  

physical strength

A Bowl of Pomegranate

Instead of the usual orange juice, make it a habit to drink and start your day with a glass of pomegranate. This ancient seedy fruit juice can significantly help in lowering stress hormones like cortisol. If there is a minimal amount of stress hormones in the male human body, it will work to his advantage because it will cause his testosterone production to go up. Besides, it can also bring down blood pressure, inducing you to feel a better mood for the rest of your day.  

Lastly, Build Your Physical Strength

When exercising, see to it that you center your workout routines on your muscles the most. You can enlist the help and assistance of a professional trainer for this purpose. He is most qualified to give you a hand on how to properly use exercise machines in a gym. 

Cardio exercises sure have a sundry of benefits to your body, but they won’t do any good as far as promoting your testosterone production is concerned. However, strength training exercise will. Thus, you need to focus on such programs.  

It is important not to overdo things here. Pushing your body to the limit and pushing yourself too much in exercising runs the risk of taking your testosterone levels in another direction instead.  

If you are suspecting that you are a running candidate for a testosterone replacement therapy program, we suggest that you reach out to a reputable testosterone clinic near you for testing and possible treatment options.