What are the Different Types of Injectable Testosterone Used in TRT Australia?

therapyMen’s bodies, like those of women, undergo some inevitable changes as they get older. With age comes the gradual decline of testosterone levels. This natural occurrence may bring about muscle loss, mood swings, and sometimes even the loss of interest in sex. 

What if there was a solution? Is there a way to slow down the aging process? Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), may well be the answer to your health issues. It is crucial to enlist the help of a qualified hormone specialist or a physician to assist you with this. 

Injectable testosterone replacement therapy comes in 4 types, and we have them listed below for your ready reference. Reach out to a qualified TRT Australia physician to help determine which of these options is best for you.


Enanthate is a type of injectable testosterone which is a derivative of the primary endogenous androgen testosterone. This injectable testosterone hormone should be administered by a physician intramuscularly.

This type of injection is administered every 5 days, allowing you to manage and maintain proper levels of this important hormone. This type of testosterone is usually given via intramuscular injection (IM) every 5-7 days, the starting dosage of which would be 100 to 200 mg. 

The initial dosage and maintenance plan may be influenced by baseline testosterone levels and a host of many other factors. It’s important to keep in mind that this type of injectable treatment for low-T should never be administered into a vein. It can only be done by a healthcare practitioner or under the supervision of a physician. 


This form of injectable testosterone does have an 8-carbon ester structure. The medical community qualifies this type as “long-acting” testosterone and the male human body may take about 7-8 days to metabolize it. 

Treatments with cypionate, like enanthate, generally start with a dose of 100 mg-200 mg. It may be administered only once every 7 days. As for the dosage, this tends to vary for each patient. Dosage will also depend upon current medical condition and testosterone blood levels. 


Testosterone Propionate can be best described as a slow-acting anabolic steroid. It comes with a half-life of 4.5 weeks, allowing for short Testosterone Propionate cycles of 8 to 10 weeks. 

Although, there are instances that it can come in as little as 6 weeks. This is because of the shorter amount of time needed to reach sufficient blood plasma levels. This testosterone ester can reach a blood peak in about a few hours. 

blood donation

Testosterone Suspension 

A dosage of 25-50 mg administered 2-3 times per week will help in treating low testosterone. Most of the time, those who have tried this injectable testosterone describe the experience as something really painful. 

With regard to the complications, it shows that it outweighs the benefits. Hence, this type of injectable testosterone is not highly recommended by doctors. 

Wrapping up!

Testosterone injections can be prescribed by doctors to treat low testosterone in men who have certain medical conditions. While it may not be able to make the underlying health issues go away in a snap, it may instead help alleviate some of them. 

These injections may also address sexual distress brought about by menopausal changes or as part of masculinizing hormone therapy.

Before prescribing testosterone replacement therapy, doctors need to conduct first a thorough evaluation of the patient. In addition, he is also expected to discuss the risks and benefits, ensuring along the way that the patient understands everything.